🎲🎮🃏 You want to launch a games related crowdfunding project?

👍 You need advices and solutions to build an effective campaign strategy or to handle the various (and numerous) aspects of campaign preparation and management, from the design of the Kickstarter page to the setup of the pledge manager or the post-campaign updates publication?

💡 We can help you! Our mission: to maximize the opportunity for you with our experience in game related crowdfunding management, and to mitigate the risks for backers.

🧮 The agency in numbers

💸 Average funds raised by campaigns we support
$ 0
🙋‍♀️ Average number of subscribers in campaigns we support
🎲 Number of projects supported since 2019

💪 Projects proudly supported

♟️ Board Game

🔱 Cyclades Legendary Edition
💸 Funds raised: €1,176,316
🙋‍♀️ 10,712 backers

Campaign Management

🎮 Video Game

Broken Sword: Reforged – Collector’s Edition
💸 Funds raised: £618,626
🙋‍♀️ 4,948 backers

Management of social media ads

🎲 Tabletop RPG

📚 Encyclopedia
💸 Funds raised: €615 000
🙋‍♀️ 8,323 backers

Management of social media ads

🃏 Tarot Deck

🐙 Cthulhu Dark Arts Tarot
💸 Funds raised: €215,342
🙋‍♀️ 3,307 backers

Campaign Management

🤓 Work with us!

Go to the “Submit my project” page to find out all the details, and fill in our form to tell us more!

💡 Crowdfunding tips & tricks

Do you need some tips to create an amazing board game Kickstarter campaign? Take a look at the presentation deck we’ve created for a Kickstarter keynote